
Packaging, Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant


Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant

Known for serving upscale American fare and award-winning craft beers uniquely brewed at their various Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey locations, Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant had previously come to Netplus for fresh branding and creative including two can designs that I helped concept and art direct. 


Marketing Creative


But as the company expanded their canned beer offerings, they sought to unify the various branding elements via creating a system that could be easily applied to future cans. Inspired by the retro style of the collage murals and large patterns that appear in the dining areas of the restaurants, I designed the following can concepts on spec to not only reflect the unique themes of the individual beers, but also appeal to their target audience of upper-class suburbanites.

Mural in the dining area at Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant, Voorhees, New Jersey

Mural in the dining area at Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant, Voorhees, New Jersey


In addition to the proposed series of can designs, we created the following spec materials to promote the seasonal Valentinus beer, which was being released right in time for Valentine's Day. In line with the retro inspiration and the fact that the canned beers are only available for a limited time, we embraced a visual theme of movie posters featuring eye-catching creative that kept the unique beer front and center while playfully framing it in the context of the love-filled holiday.  



Netplus Marketing


Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant

My Role

Email Marketing

Additional Team

Charlie LaytonIllustration
Jessica YooCopywriting